Daging sapi
Japanese Beef
Karakteristik Wagyu
Daya Tarik Wagyu (Video dan Pamflet)
Panduan memotong (e-book)
Cara beternak Wagyu (video)
Keamanan dan Kualitas Tinggi Wagyu (Mulai dari Peternak hingga di Meja Makan)
Nomor Identifikasi Individu CARI
Menu daging sapi Wagyu Jepang yang dibuat oleh koki top di Perancis3
(Hanya dalam bahasa Inggris)

Piece of wagyu, briskly grilled – raw autumnal vegetables and fruits – with Savoyard onion condiment

Japanese wagyu beef, served with garden carrots, candied in black garlic with a dulse Bourguignon sauce

Grilled Japanese wagyu steak, served with a mousseline and ravioli filled with onions in vinegar, topped with sweet onion sauce

Grilled wagyu beef, served with grilled shallots, coffee, pears, parsley oil and crispy bacon

Wagyu’s gooseneck round in salt and bee balm crust with potato, beetroot and truffle salad, topped with beef jus and mushrooms

Wagyu beef, served with honey-lacquered Jerusalem artichokes and Brussels sprouts cooked in sesame oil

Rosemary-smoked double-sided top-round, served with vegetables from Val de Saône fried in wagyu fat, and sour Créme de Bresse with red onion.

Japanese wagyu beef top round as a “carpaccio”, served with natsu komachi turnips in vinaigrette with a virgin oil flavoured with Burgundy saffron, and cow’s milk Tomme from Blanot, and piquant herbs.

Roasted wagyu top-round with Belleville wild thyme, served with parsnip and carrot mash and Boulangère potatoes

Wagyu beef smoked in sweet vernal grass, served with Buddha’s hand citron ravioli, carrots and clementines

Smoked Japanese wagyu in juniper, served with corn flour gnocchi in Beaufort cheese, and Mondeuse juice

Wagyu top-round roast beef, served with potato churros, pointed cabbage, and a marinière sauce

Wagyu beef tartar with Camargue oysters and caviar, a hint of tanginess with winter vegetables

Wagyu beef, iodised pistachio pulp, white vegetable stew flavoured with hay and black truffle

Seared wagyu, French toast with chestnut and celery foam, with a porcini mushrooms cream and cereal granola with grains

Smoked wagyu top-round with juniper wood, served with garden vegetables, and L’Ô de Jo dry gin jus