Japanese Beef
Merkmale von Wagyu
Der besondere Reiz von „Wagyu“
Schneideanleitung (E-Book)
Zucht und Haltung von Wagyu-Rinder
Über die Sicherheit und hohe Qualität von Wagyu (von der Aufzucht bis zum Verzehr)
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Japanische Wagyu-Rindfleischkarte von Spitzenköchen in Frankreich created
(Nur englische Ausgabe)

Wagyu rumpsteak, candied griselle shallots, lemon,coriander, chard, black garlic sauce, pomelo.Lightly grilled carpaccio, pistachios, horseradish, comtécheese, capers, olives, anchovies.

Wagyu beef sirloin, a few pieces marinated in salt on a thin shortbread with red onions – the piece is simply sautéed golden, a simple taggiasca juice with black olives and a frothy milk with parmesan.

Roasted Wagyu rib loin in Aomori black garlic powder and anchovies, mousseline and handmade burrata skin in balsamic tradition, sauté of black truffle in Shabu Shabu broth style.

Wagyu in 2 preparations:- Ronce N°2 Oyster tartare in fine cucumber jelly – Vegetable broth, black garlic and horseradish

Wagyu topside like a tartare, beaufort crumble, basted in langoustine juice and cauliflower sauce.

Wagyu beef rib steak in thick pieces, marrow custard and shallot sauce, winter garden vegetables, reduction of Porto with foie gras and truffles.